We will hold the APSS monthly meeting for March on March 20 instead of the previously scheduled March 13. We will announce a room for the meeting soon.
March 2014 Newsletter
Voting Results
Dear members,
We have a vote conclude on February 14, 2014 along with a drive to collect completed membership forms. The results were announced earlier this week with an e-mail from Coreen Bedford, our Acting President.
At the time of Coreen’s e-mail we have 334 confirmed members out of 377. We are still collecting membership forms from employees who have not yet turned one in. Employees should complete a form even if they are activating Right-to-Work. On the form, there is an option to opt-out of dues and membership.
Dues were set by a vote of membership atĀ flat rate fee of $10 for 24 pay periods per year. If you opted-in for payroll deductions, this will be deducted beginning on the first paycheck of April.
Officer Compensation
Officer Compensation was also set by a vote of the membership and set at the following:
Officers will receive a waiver for dues along with the following compensation:
President and Chief Union Steward = $2500/yr
Vice President, Secretary, Business and Financial Director, Membership Director, Communications Director = $1000/yr
Constitution and Contract
Both the Constitution and Letter of Agreement to continue the current contract were approved by members.
The membership also voted in our new logo. The credit for the logo goes to Jill Baylis. Thanks Jill!